Speeddial css
Speeddial css



1 Action 1 2 Action 2 plus add Create Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Floating Action Button Link 1 Link 2 Link 3 plus xmark add close 1 2 3 Note that commented variables are not specified by default and their values is what they fallback to in this case. It is possible to open and close required FAB (if you have it in DOM) using special classes and data attributes on links: OptionalĬlose FAB speed dial actions/buttons, or morph it back from specified targetįAB will fire the following DOM events on FAB element: EventĮvent will be triggered on FAB open or when it morphs to target elementĮvent will be triggered on FAB close or when it morphs back from target element targetEl - HTMLElement or string (with CSS Selector) of FAB morph target.fabEl - HTMLElement or string (with CSS Selector) of required FAB.Open FAB speed dial actions/buttons, or morph it to specified target We can use following app methods to control FABs: ( fabEl, targetEl) fab-morph-target - additional required class on FAB morph target, in this example it is added to - additional attribute on FAB where target element's CSS selector must be specified.

speeddial css

Notice the space between the & and the FAB class.


There is also ability for FAB to morph to any visible element on page. Here’s the code for setting the height and width of the Speed Dial. To make it work, we just need to add backdrop element on same level as FAB element: It is also possible to add backdrop (semi-transparent overlay) behind the FAB that will become visible on FAB open. In this case layout will be a bit extended: 1 Action 1 2 Action 2 Speed dial buttons also support additional text labels. You should use at least 3 Speed Dial actions You shouldn't use more than 6 Speed Dial actions Note that Speed Dial actions buttons will appear in reversed order fab-buttons-center - buttons will appear around of FAB.fab-buttons-left - buttons will appear on left of FAB.fab-buttons-bottom - buttons will appear on bottom of FAB.fab-buttons-right - buttons will appear on right of FAB.fab-buttons-top - buttons will appear on top of FAB.Speed dial buttons container position is configured via additional class: Implementing Intercom Using Speed Dial Buttons You can implement intercom. In this case we need to add additional element with buttons: plus xmark 1 2 3 NOTE NOTE The CSS you configure on the PLAR line must be unique to the line.

speeddial css

Tapping in the same spot should either activate the most commonly used action or close the open menu. The button should remain on screen after the menu is invoked. The floating action button can fling out related actions upon press. To make extended FAB we need to add additional fab-extended class to FAB element and put its extra text in element inside: plus Create Speed Dial The extended FAB is wider, and it includes a text label. To change its color just add color- class to FAB element. The following clases are avaialble:įAB supports all default colors. Just put it as the direct child of page or view: Floating Action Button plus plus įAB position is configured via additional fab- class. Layout of floating action button is very simple. They are distinguished by a circled icon floating above the UI and have motion behaviors that include morphing, launching, and a transferring anchor point. #groups > li > a.hovered, #groups > li > a.Floating action button (FAB) is used for a promoted action. a subsequent request to the server to get this CSS resource to style the page. Users can customize one of these built-in themes or create new themes to achieve their desired look and feel by simply overriding SASS variables or using our Theme Studio application.

speeddial css

************************************** */ sonar search, speed dial, sidebar and a lot more to be discovered. The Blazor Speed Dial supports these built-in themes: Tailwind CSS, Bootstrap 5, Bootstrap 4, Bootstrap, Material, Fabric, Fluent, and high contrast. adapted css for the new version of SpeedDial2 some little details (search field, icon settings, background groups label)

Speeddial css